1. Table of Contents

  • Implementation of SmoothQuant on Conv2d: ✅

  • Validation of the above implementation: ✅ (for $ \alpha = 0.5 $)

2. Implementation of SmoothQuant operation on Conv2d

  • Get activation scale
  • Get weight scale
  • Compute smoothing factor $ s $ based on above two scales
  • Apply scaling:
    • $\text{input} \mathrel{{/}{=}} s$
    • $\text{weight} \mathrel{{*}{=}} s$

2.1 Get activation & weight scale


  • Take a look at the shape of activation, output, and weight in Conv2d:
  • Take one layer as an example:
    • Input shape: torch.Size([4, 256, 182, 182])
    • Weight shape: torch.Size([128, 256, 3, 3])
    • Output shape: torch.Size([4, 128, 180, 180])
  • The absMax value we get is per-channel according to SmoothQuant (above) -> Means that we should have 256 number of element (max value for each channel) for this layer of activation.
def register_collect_smoothquant_hook(model, data_loader, num_batch=200):
    act_scales = {}
    weight_scales = {}

    def forward_hook(module, input, name):
        hidden_dim_act = input[0].shape[1]
        tensor_act = input[0].view(-1, hidden_dim_act).abs().detach()
        comming_max_act = torch.max(tensor_act, dim=0)[0].float().cpu()
        if name not in act_scales:
            act_scales[name] = comming_max_act
            act_scales[name] = torch.max(act_scales[name], comming_max_act)

        hidden_dim_weight = module.weight.shape[1]
        tensor_weight = module.weight.view(-1, hidden_dim_weight).abs().detach()
        comming_max_weight = torch.max(tensor_weight, dim=0)[0].float().cpu()
        if name not in weight_scales:
            weight_scales[name] = comming_max_weight
            weight_scales[name] = torch.max(weight_scales[name], comming_max_weight)

    hooks = []
    for name, module in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d):
            hook = module.register_forward_pre_hook(partial(forward_hook, name=name))

        with torch.no_grad():
            for i, inputs in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader, desc='collecting stats', total=num_batch)):
                if i >= num_batch:
        for h in hooks:
    return act_scales, weight_scales
  • Input shape: torch.Size([4, 256, 182, 182])
  • hidden_dim_act = 256
  • Weight shape: torch.Size([128, 256, 3, 3])

2.2 Compute smooth factor based on two scales

act_scales, weight_scales = register_collect_smoothquant_hook(model, test_loader, 200)

scales = {}

for name, act_scale, weight_scale in zip(act_scales.keys(), act_scales.values(), weight_scales.values()):
    scale = torch.sqrt(act_scale / weight_scale)
    scales[name] = scale.view(1, -1, 1, 1).to(device)

2.3 Apply scaling

  • For activation, we use hook to modify the input everytime it comes to a Conv2d module:
def register_smoothquant_act_hook(model, scales):
    def forward_pre_hook(module, input, name):
        modified_input = input[0] / scales[name]

        return (modified_input,)

    handles = []
    for name, module in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(module, quant_nn.Conv2d):
            handle = module.register_forward_pre_hook(partial(forward_pre_hook, name=name))
    return handles
  • For weight, we modify its value offline:
def register_smoothquant_weight_hook(model, scales):
    for name, module in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(module, quant_nn.Conv2d):
            with torch.no_grad():
                module.weight *= scales[name]

3.1 Validation through amax value obtained by quantizer


3.2 Validation through accuracy comparison


Thinking is that the way I get the absMax value may not be on the right track. Therefore:

4. What’s next?

  • Try different scaling factor:
    • Ranging from 0.05 to 0.95 (with the step of 0.05)
    • Draw an accuracy graph respective to the change of scaling factor
  • Check the way of getting absMax value
  • Compute L1 loss of each layer of activation
  • Visualize activation
  • Increase calibration data number (200/1500)
  • Dynamic scaling factor $ \alpha $